Medical Insurance
FDLIC provides comprehensive health insurance at $50 per month for non-smokers and $100 for smokers. Premium payments are waived for employees who choose to participate in the Company's wellness program and commit to improving their health status.
Life Insurance
The company offers employer-paid life insurance to employees with coverage for $30,000 in life insurance and $30,000 in accidental death and dismemberment insurance.
Voluntary Insurance
Voluntary supplemental insurance such as additional life insurance, disability, and critical illness is offered at the responsibility of the employee.
Dental Insurance
Dental insurance is offered as a voluntary benefit through pre-tax payroll deduction. Coverage is the financial responsibility of the employee.
Vision Insurance
Vision insurance is offered as a voluntary benefit through pre-tax payroll deduction. Coverage is the financial responsibility of the employee.
Thanks to the educational assistance program, I was able to get one step closer to my goal.
Emily Spurgin
UI Designer

Charitable Contributions
The Charitable Contributions Match Program allows employees make personal contributions to eligible organizations and then apply for Directors Investment Group to match it.
Hope Fund Program
The HOPE Fund Program provides an emergency fund for employees who need financial assistance due to an emergency or hardship. The goal is to encourage and educate employees on the importance of good money management.
Helpers of People Leave Program
The purpose of the Helpers of People Leave Program is to allow employees to devote time to a service project, mission trip, relationship in need of repair, or personal growth.